Wednesday, July 18, 2018

Spicy prawn soup


    Da, stiu, e vara, soare, cald, iar toata lumea incearca sa se racoreasca. Insa acum cateva saptamani cand am gatit acesta supa un val de vreme rece a venit peste Tilburg, Olanda, unde locuiesc in prezent. Si m-am trezit undeva pe la mijlocul lunii iunie cu 12 grade Celsius in termometru, cautand disperata in fundul dulapului un pulover mai gros. Trecand la partea gastronomica, afara e frig, dar parca nu merge sa gatesti orice, o parte din tine stie ca e totusi vara. Asa ca de la o supa sau ciorba clasica am sarit la ceva un pic mai exotic, picant, cald, dar in acelasi timp fresh si sper sa retata asta sa inspire lumea sa experimenteze mai mult si sa incerce combinatii interesante in materie de supe. 

Ingrediente (4 portii):
  • ulei de masiline extra virgin
  • 400 g amesteg de legume stir-fry la alegere
  • 150 g ciuperci shiitake
  • 3 lg pasta verde de curry
  • 400 ml lapte de cocos
  • 1 L supa de legume
  • 250 g creveti 
  • 150 taietei pentru wok
  • sare
  • piper
  • fulgi de chili
    Desi o preparare ca la carte necesita un wok, studentia nu-ti perminte luxul unei bucatarii complet utilate, asa ca ne vom folosi de o simpla tigaie. In aceasta tigaie am incins 1 lg de ulei in care am calit ciupercile taiete felii impreuna cu amestecul de legume sitr-fry, iar cand au fost gata le-am dat deoparte. Intr-o oala separata am calit pasta de curry pentru cateva secunde, apoi am adaugat laptele de cocos si supa. Cand amestecul a dat in clocot am adaugat crevetii si taieteii si am lasat la foc mic pana acestia s-au gatit uniform. Am adaugat peste supa amestecul de legume si ciuperci, am asezonat cu sare, piper si fulgi de chili dupa gust, si am fost gata de servire.

Si partea cea mai frumoasa este cand prietenii iti apreciaza mancarea! 
Pofta buna! 


    Yes, I know, it's summer, extremely hot, and everybody is trying to cool down in one way or another. However, few weeks ago when I made this recipe few days of cold weather came over Tilburg, Netherlands, where I currently live. So I found myself somewhere in the middle of June with 12 Celsius, while desperately searching for a warm sweater in the back of my closet. Moving to the culinary aspect of the story, although it was chilly outside, I didn't feel like I can cook anything, some part of me still knew it was summer so I changed the classic soup or ciorba with something more exotic, spicy, warm but fresh in the same time and I hope that with this recipe I inspire more people to experiment more and to try interesting combinations when it comes to soups.

Ingredients (4 servings):

  • extra virgin olive oil
  • 400 g stir-fry vegetables ( your choice)
  • 150 g shiitake mushrooms
  • 3 tbsp green curry paste
  • 400 ml coconut milk
  • 1 L vegetable stock
  • 250 g prawns
  • 150 g wok noodles
  • salt
  • pepper
  • chili flakes 
    Although a proper approach to this recipe requires a wok, living as a student doesn't offer the luxury of a fully equipped kitchen, so we're only going a use an ordinary pan. I started with cooking the vegetable mix together with the sliced mushrooms in 1 tbsp of olive oil. When ready I set them aside and in another pot I fried the curry paste for couple of seconds, I added the coconut milk and the stock and brought to boil. When the mix was boiling I added the noodles and prawns and cooked on low heat until they were tender. In the end I mixed the soup with vegetables and mushrooms, I seasoned with salt, pepper and chili flakes and was ready to serve.

And the best part of this is when your friends love what you cook for them!

 *Special thanks to Ada, Angela and Madalina
 *Recipe inspired from 

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