Tuesday, October 30, 2018

15 minutes project

    Approximately one year ago my life changed completely, as I moved to another country, 2000 km away from home, to go to university. Translated, all my habits, all the things I was familiar with and everything that I used to grow up with literally went away over night. I found myself forced to suddenly be an adult, and, in the confusion and stress that occurred in the beginning ( and in the months after, if I am to be honest) I was going a little crazy as there were too many things to do and too little time, basically my time management and approach to every-day activities was screaming for help. Some of the things that considerably changed were, of course, cooking and eating.

    Back home I had time to lock myself in the kitchen for hours, to experiment fancy dishes, to cook for my family, to clean everything after that and to still have plenty of time and energy. After I moved to The Netherlands, this situation changed to 180 degrees. There were, of course,  occasions where I was gathering with my friends and we were cooking together, or I was cooking for them, but there were also plenty of days, especially around midterms and finals, when I was coming from the University at 9 or 10 in the night, desperately hungry, with no energy or willingness to cook anything.  The good news were that I could order any time, or eat frozen food for the supermarket. The bad news were than after couple of weeks you just get sick of eating fast food, you realize how much money you spend on that and it all stops for good when you notice you re not fitting in your favorite jeans anymore. ( happened more than once :( )

    Considering all the above, I came up with the idea of a healthy, quick and tasty solution, so here I am introducing my "15 minutes project". I am going to share my cooking experience by posting a series of salads (and not only) which take no more than 15 minutes, have some super tasty ingredients and dressings and which are also versatile enough, not only in terms of taste, but also in terms of ingredients. There's veggies, meat, some carbs, all meant not only to look good in the plate, but also to properly fill you up.

* I would like to show me greatest appreciation to my best friend and flatmate, Angela Negru, who provided this beautiful bowl that made all of these photos possible. Also, she is the one that is always by my side in the kitchen, we often cook together, share ideas and taste each other's dishes. So Angie, thanks for being a part of this project and part of my inspiration.

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